These are posts of experiences from my childhood or early adulthood:
Meeting Grandpa Mason
Cousin Eugene Explains it All
George and Gladys
Grandma Crosses Over
A Bit About Reincarnation
After Death Communication, or ADC
In June of 2009 my elderly mother committed suicide. I never expected this event to take me on a wild paranormal, metaphysical journey. Similar things happened to me as a child when my grandparents' generation died off so it really shouldn't have shocked me, but it did!
Over time I began to feel that these experiences would be wasted if I never shared them with anyone else. So I decided to start a blog about my ongoing contact with my mother and the things she tells me about life "on the other side". These experiences were, and are, very healing for me. I hope that they will be encouraging, comforting, or at least intellectually stimulating for my readers.
This ability runs in my family. My mother had similar experiences. She was the one who helped me make sense of them - now she is the one causing them! Both of my grandmothers could do this, as well as my father, my brothers, and my sister.
Over time I began to feel that these experiences would be wasted if I never shared them with anyone else. So I decided to start a blog about my ongoing contact with my mother and the things she tells me about life "on the other side". These experiences were, and are, very healing for me. I hope that they will be encouraging, comforting, or at least intellectually stimulating for my readers.
This ability runs in my family. My mother had similar experiences. She was the one who helped me make sense of them - now she is the one causing them! Both of my grandmothers could do this, as well as my father, my brothers, and my sister.