After Death Communication, or ADC

In June of 2009 my elderly mother committed suicide. I never expected this event to take me on a wild paranormal, metaphysical journey. Similar things happened to me as a child when my grandparents' generation died off so it really shouldn't have shocked me, but it did!

Over time I began to feel that these experiences would be wasted if I never shared them with anyone else. So I decided to start a blog about my ongoing contact with my mother and the things she tells me about life "on the other side". These experiences were, and are, very healing for me. I hope that they will be encouraging, comforting, or at least intellectually stimulating for my readers.

This ability runs in my family. My mother had similar experiences. She was the one who helped me make sense of them - now she is the one causing them! Both of my grandmothers could do this, as well as my father, my brothers, and my sister.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Going Home

We were sitting in what appeared to be a church basement.  There was a stage with metal folding chairs setup.  It was sunny outside.  We were sitting on two adjacent chairs in the first row while my son Henry was playing on the floor nearby.  He appeared to be about three years old (in waking reality he is 12).
We were talking about nothing in particular.  My attention was immediately drawn to what she was wearing.  At home she almost always wore a “house coat”.  This particular one she had for a number of years during my childhood and seeing her wearing it, I could remember it quite well.  A few days before this experience, I found some fabric from this house coat in one of the quit bags and although I recognized it, I wasn’t sure where from.  I thought maybe it was one of my old dresses.  But seeing her wearing this garment, the memory came back with utter clarity.
Then I noticed her face, her skin, her hair – all of it is such perfect detail!  Far more detail than I could remember in waking reality.  It totally blew my mind. 
So finally I said, “You know, I guess I just really don’t understand enough about how this whole being dead thing works.”
“Oh!” she said.  “Well, I can go home as often as I want!  And I can also help people!  I can draw off their negative energy – emotions and all that – and take it upon myself.  Then I can connect to a positive source and clear it away.  And I can merge my energy with that of an animal and communicate with it.”
Right then the 3 year old image of my son butted in.  He pushed between us and held his arms up, as if he wanted my mother to pick him up.  I picked him up instead.
“Henry,” I explained.  “Grandma died.  She doesn’t have a body anymore so she can’t hold you.  But I can hold you on my lap and you can talk to her.”
He leaned over and whispered something in her ear.  She smiled and whispered something back.   Then I woke up.
A few days later I got a phone call from my friend Lisa, who grew up across the street from me.  Her brother Keith bought my parents’ house after my mother died.  He moved in with his girlfriend and had been living in the house for several months by this time.
“My mom made me swear not to tell you this,” she said, “but I feel like I have to.  Kayla [Keith’s girlfriend] was talking about the ghost in the house!  She told us SHE is friendly.  She is never afraid of HER.  We never told Kayla anything about what happened in the house.  My brother was afraid she would refuse to move in with him if we did.  But now Kayla says she can hear footsteps in the house when nobody is home.”
“Well, I have to tell ya, I just talked to my mother a few days ago and she told me she can go home as often as she wants.  And that is a direct quote.”
Lisa was quite freaked out.  “Kayla says there are several of them though!”
“Remember – my mother hangs around with her sisters.  It wouldn’t surprise me if The Aunt Farm Aunts are going back there with her.”
I also reassured her that my mother was in the light, and being visited by dead people who are in the light is a very different thing than being visited by earthbound dead people, which is why Kayla is comforted by the presence rather than feeling creeped out or afraid.
I also began to notice my mother “helping” me in the way she described.  I was angry one evening (I can’t remember why) so I went to my sewing studio alone to sew.  It was very late but I was too ticked off to sleep.  After a while I started to notice the anger draining away, and I felt my mother’s presence.  My skittish cat was suddenly all over me wanting petted.
That was my first clue that I needed to develop psychically for my own good – it isn’t really fair to expect my mother to absorb my bad moods, especially since she has to experience them to do this.  I felt kind of guilty afterwards for putting her through that.  As I was soon to learn, my mother and I were not the only ones adversely affected by my bad moods, making it even more imperative that I learn to control my “gift”.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

George and Gladys

In the early spring of 2010 my husband and I were talking one evening about his mother’s ghosts and her extreme fear of them.  Bill’s mother is 90 years old.  Her second husband, George, committed suicide about a year before my mother did but in a much more dramatic way: he shot himself in the head.  I was at work the day this happened.  Bill called me and after insisting that I sit down he told me what happened.  George took out his false teeth and emptied his pockets onto the nightstand in the bedroom.  Then went out into the back yard with a revolver, stuck it into his mouth, and pulled the trigger.  Bill’s mother was in another part of the condo but she heard the noise when the gun went off.  She found him in the back yard and went screaming to the neighbor’s.  They called 911 and the rest is what you would expect.
Bill’s sister stayed with their mother for a couple months after that happened.  During that time they could sense George in the condo.  They could hear him walking around and even feel him brush past them.  Bill spent one night in the condo (the night after it happened) and he said he slept with his back to the window all night, for fear he would see George standing outside in the back yard or worse – looking in the window!
Eventually they got creeped out enough to contact a local priest, who came to the condo, tossed some holy water around, and convinced George that he really, really should go into the light.  What’s done is done, you’re dead now, and you’re freaking out your survivors.  So please – get on with it.  George apparently took the priestly advice as the condo quit oozing spooky vibes afterward.  However he almost always turns up when I have a reading – the medium will say to me “I have a man here who says he shot himself in the head!”  That’s George!  Often he is with my husband’s grandmother – his mother’s mother – Gladys.  They first time they showed up I had no idea who Gladys was until Bill listened to the recording of the session and was shocked to recognize his grandmother.
George and Gladys are now my mother-in-law’s direct line to the other side.  They try to help her out like my mother helps my Dad out.  Problem is she’s freaking terrified of them.  She often “senses” George, which doesn’t bother her so much, but they also come to her in dreams which she really hates.  She says they want her to go with them.  She is afraid if she does she’ll die.  I doubt it – they will probably just take her on a wild lucid dream experience.  And if not, she is 90 and her departure from the Earth plane is likely to be sooner rather than later, and wouldn’t it be easier to go with them in a dream than hang around and be tortured to death by doctors milking her insurance company?  But that is another topic entirely.
George is also a great messenger, I discovered quite by accident.  As I began in this article, one evening Bill and I were talking about this.  As I went to sleep, I went into a meditative state and sent George a mental telepathy.  I thanked him for trying to help Bill’s mother out and apologized that his reception had been a bit – cold – and asked him to please not give up on her.  Oh and by the way – if you see my mother tell her I said “Hi!” and ask her to give me a call sometime.
That same night I had a massive lucid dream visitation –the subject of the next post!