After Death Communication, or ADC

In June of 2009 my elderly mother committed suicide. I never expected this event to take me on a wild paranormal, metaphysical journey. Similar things happened to me as a child when my grandparents' generation died off so it really shouldn't have shocked me, but it did!

Over time I began to feel that these experiences would be wasted if I never shared them with anyone else. So I decided to start a blog about my ongoing contact with my mother and the things she tells me about life "on the other side". These experiences were, and are, very healing for me. I hope that they will be encouraging, comforting, or at least intellectually stimulating for my readers.

This ability runs in my family. My mother had similar experiences. She was the one who helped me make sense of them - now she is the one causing them! Both of my grandmothers could do this, as well as my father, my brothers, and my sister.

Lucid Dreaming Suppliments

Supplements I've Tried

African Dream Bean (Entada rheedii)
Dream Tea (Rose Mountain Herbs)
Dreamer's Blend (Shaman's Garden)

I am finding that there is a great deal of interesting on lucid dreaming supplements so I have decided to include a page about them.  As it is a very interesting subject I am systematically trying a number of them and will report my results.

But first - a word of warning about herbs.  Many of the powerful medications we have today originate in plants.  Edgar Cayce himself once said in a reading that there was a cure for every disease somewhere on Earth, and you can bet many of them are found in plants!  That said, I don't order herbs from sources I don't trust and I do some research on them before I start ingesting them.  Especially since I have a tendency to be allergic to stuff!  I like Shaman's Garden.  They don't sell things they haven't personally tested.

African Dream Bean (Entada rheedii)

So far I have only had one trial but I think it is pretty amazing stuff!  The plant is basically a weed in Southern and Eastern Africa.  The seeds grow in huge pods and are rather impervious (I can testify to that - they are not easy to get open).  They are known to float in the ocean for years and wash up on beaches on both sides of the Atlantic - for this reason they are also known as "Sea Beans".  The plant will grow in the Southern United States.  Interestingly, when they arrived I realized that I already had one!  Many years ago I was given a necklace that belong to Grandma Anderson, made from large seeds.  Her brother - Uncle Lawrence - brought it as a gift during one of his trips to Florida.  I realized the center pendant of the necklace is an African Dream Bean!  Here are some pictures: 
Left: Dream Beans in bean pod, growing in the wild.  Middle: Two Dream Beans - one opened showing the appromiate amount of the "nut" I ate, and one whole bean.  Right: My grandmother's seed necklace with a dream bean in the center.
  Some of the information on this herb says to smoke the leaves (not included with purchase) and some said to smoke the white stuff inside of it.  I saw a rating on Shaman's Garden that suggested eating the white stuff inside of it.  Since I don't smoke things I tried this route.  I took approximately 1/3 of a dream bean at about 10:00PM and went to bed.  Another review said they taste like macadamia nuts - don't believe it!  They taste like cat manure!  I broke it into little pieces and swallowed them without chewing.

I had a lot of dreams all night, many with spiritual content.  My husband woke me up at 8:30AM to see if I was coming to breakfast.  I mumbled something about seeing if I could get up and fell back asleep.  I had a lucid dream where I was talking to my mother on the cell phone.  When I woke up I went downstairs, and judging from the time Bill woke me up and the time I went downstairs, this conversation lasted a little over an hour!  Given that I give the Dream Bean a full 5 STARS!

Calea Zacatechichi

Known as "Dreaming Herb" this plant is indigenous to Mexico and was used by the Chontal Indians to obtain divinatory messages through dreaming.  I opted for the capsules.  I tried it twice but unfortunately got insomnia.  I will be careful when I try the last two capsules and will try to get a good review!

Dream Tea (Rose Mountain Herbs)
I love this stuff!  It contains: Organic Peppermint, organic Mugwort, organic Damiana leaf, organic Chamomile flower, organic Gotu Kola leaf, organic Rosemary, organic Rose petals and a pinch of organic Stevia.  Overall the Chamomile flavor dominates and it is a wonderful, relaxing, before-bed kind of tea.  It is a very good sleep aid if nothing else.  I have had better than average dreams when I drink it before bed and it also has a lovely side effect of making you have to pee in the early morning hours, which is the perfect time to take your Galantamine and go back to sleep!

Dreamer's Blend (Shaman's Garden)
A blend of several dreaming herbs (Calea Zacatechichi, Blue Vervain, Wild Lettuce, and California Poppy are in the mix) they actually intend this stuff to be smoked.  That said, I don't smoke things.  You can also drink it as a tea but I have to warn you - it is kind of nasty and I found it even worse with sugar in it!  My 12 year old son and I tested in on the winter solstice this year (yes we are weirdos).  I sprinkled a pinch of it onto the gas fireplace coals with the idea of using it as incense, and made a cup of tea from it for each of us.

Warning!  It smells like weed!  I could just see myself trying to explain it "Well Officer ... it isn't dope!  It's just lucid dreaming herbs ...honestly).  Unfortunately a lot of herbs smell like dope.  This is also a problem if you use sage to smudge a haunted house before you try to sell it.  Always be sure there is ample time for the smoke to clear before the real estate people show up!

Due to the taste my son only drank a couple swallows of the tea.  I drank his cup of tea and mine.  My son had the lucid dream!  Go figure.  I do plan to buy some blank gel capsules from the health food store and give it another test that way.  People rave about this stuff so I think it is just a matter of finding the right way to ingest it.

As this supplement has been researched a great deal by pioneer dream researcher Stephen LeBerge, this is THE supplement.  And I have to say I have had some serious success with it (The Lucid Dream Pill - Galantamine and How The Mind Works for starters).  I have read that it can cause some unpleasant experiences if you take it just before bed rather than at 3:00 or 4:00AM.  I have done this however with no unpleasant effects (yet) and found that taking one before bed and then taking a second in the early morning hours works well.  I tried two in the early morning and got nada - twice.  Apparently with this supplement - at least for me - there is such a thing as "too much of a good thing".

Be sure to check back - I have more to try!