After Death Communication, or ADC

In June of 2009 my elderly mother committed suicide. I never expected this event to take me on a wild paranormal, metaphysical journey. Similar things happened to me as a child when my grandparents' generation died off so it really shouldn't have shocked me, but it did!

Over time I began to feel that these experiences would be wasted if I never shared them with anyone else. So I decided to start a blog about my ongoing contact with my mother and the things she tells me about life "on the other side". These experiences were, and are, very healing for me. I hope that they will be encouraging, comforting, or at least intellectually stimulating for my readers.

This ability runs in my family. My mother had similar experiences. She was the one who helped me make sense of them - now she is the one causing them! Both of my grandmothers could do this, as well as my father, my brothers, and my sister.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Birthday Message: A Sychronicity

Many ADC's take the form of a sychronicity - something unusual that happens and you think, that just can't be a co-incidence!  It involves something closely associated with the deceased person, usually with a deeply personal connection.

The fall after my mother died I had my 40th birthday.  I was dreading it for a number of reasons - heck - who doesn't dread their 40th birthday!  I wondered if I would really feel terrible having a birthday after my mother died, and I am not very excited about being over the hill either.  So I pretty much decided to ignore it.  Still, the dreading of it made the two weeks before a bit tense.  I find it is often like this - the dreading of "whatever" is worse than the actual "whatever".  Nowhere is this more true than for Christmas - but that is another post.

So the birthday came and went.  Nothing happened.  I didn't feel any worse on that particular day and I was well on my way to forgetting it.

Then a day or so later - I can't remember exactly - I had a stream of numbers running through my dreams.  39403940394039403940394039403940394039403940 ... all night!  I was kind of going in the background and every once in a while it would break through and become very hard to ignore.  At the time I knew that it had something to do with my mother, but it being a stream of digits I didn't get it.  It is sometimes very difficult to access the left brain during sleep, even when fully lucid.  My deductive reasoning can be pretty far off and I miss the obvious.

So the next morning I woke up and was getting ready to leave - I had to be somewhere fairly early in the morning.  I realized, once awake, that the digits were 39 40 39 40 ... the significance being I was 39 turning 40!  I thought, was that Mom?  Then I thought, naw - I am just starting to imagine stuff because of all the experiences I have had so far.

I got in the car, started it up, then turned on the radio and hit "seek" like I normally do.  The dial stopped on a station we do not get.  I have never had this station before and I have never picked it up since, but that day it was as clear as a bell with absolutely no static.  It was 95.1 - there is a 95.1 in Washington DC (257 miles away) and Washington state (2400 miles away) both of which are pretty improbable!  Over this radio station that I shouldn't be able to receive I hear these lyrics, from a Simon & Garfunkel song circa 1966,  loud and clear:
Yeah, it's gonna be all right.
Yes, the worst is over now the morning sun is rising like a red rubber ball.

Besides the obvious message here this song has a meaning for me that only a few people - my mother included - understand.  It is one of my earliest memories.  People in my family also tend to be able to remember being much younger than the general poplulation.  I can remember my first Christmas, and I was between two and three months old!  My memory of this song is a little later - that summer or fall - I was able to walk and was toddling around on the porch wearing nothing but a diaper.  I was carrying - ironically - a red rubber ball and this song came on over the radio.  I guess the irony of this situation stayed with me.  My mother was also on the porch and also remembers it.  We used to talk about this kind of stuff all the time.

That is how I KNEW that was my "happy birthday" from my mother on the other side!

PS - ghosts - or spirits or people on the other side or whatever you choose to call them, can manipulate electronic devices and electricity.  Including, apparently, very distant radio signals!

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